Primary logo (reversed)
Our primary logo (reversed) for print use
EPS: Download
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Right click the download link and press 'save link as' to save the file.
Right click the download link and press 'save link as' to save the file.
Our primary logo for web use, on light backgrounds
Reversed logo for web use
Our primary logo for web use, on dark backgrounds
Our square logo for web use on light or dark backgrounds, when horizontal space is limited
Our square logo for web use on dark backgrounds, when horizontal space is limited
Do not stretch or otherwise distort the logo
Do not rotate the logo
Do no modify or re-arrange elements of the logo
Do not re-colour the logo (except where greyscale/black and white is required)
Leave reasonable space between the logo and other logos or text
Always use vector assets where possible, especially for print
Prefer to use the reversed logo in print
Use the square logo format only when horizontal space is limited or when displaying the Primary logo at a small size would be inconsistent with other logos (when in a group of sponsor logos, for example)
Our brand colour codes
C: 100 M: 20 Y: 0 K: 5
rgb(0, 143, 208)